

From Monday night onward, Amanda Palmer has been retweeting the response to her request for a Robin Williams tribute; as a memorium, and and to help raise awareness for suicide prevention. She posted some of them in her recent blog, but you can follow the hashtag on twitter. There are an amazing amount, and this more than anything else I’ve seen has shown the extent and impact of Robin Williams’ death.
Here is her blog with a few choice images.

Love of words

I love words.
I love typography.
I love reading well written words.
I love made-up words.
They’re kinda my thing.

For as long as I can remember, I have wanted a sign outside my house, like bars or churches (Bible Belt represent!) have near sidewalks and roadways.
When I finally bought a house, I confessed to Ben how disappointed I was that I wouldn’t be able to live out my dream of posting a new quote each day for those passing by to read.
I don’t think he ever realized how serious I was about that dream. (Nevermind the piles and stacks and notebooks and files computer documents of thousands and thousands of quotes.)

All this to tell you, I really love words, man. Quotes specifically. I spent more time finding the perfect quotes and writing out the perfect phrases for our elopement ceremony than I did trying to find a dress. A LOT more time.

So, I really appreciate it when people get creative with their various signage:




Cheers, all!

Just a few resolutions from The Petler Inn for 2014:

•Blog more (ahem)
•Organize/Fucking Do Something
with the thousands of photos in
my house
•Keep up with all books read
•Add Pilates/yoga 2-3 times a week

•Buy a RG3120
•Make more videos
•Start running again

All the best.


It’s July 31st

…and with 153 days left in the year, I thought it might be nice if I showed back up here.

One day I’ll be regular. I promise.
I just need some more prunes.

(Get it? It’s a poor witticism about human excrement!)

Maybe I shouldn’t be back more often.

How about some photos from my phone?

This is from a week-ish ago; I always joke about how all the dogs love Food Lady (that’s me) the very most, and in wintertime, their warmth is most welcome, but during the summer it can be a bit stifling. Look closely here and you can see our large 75lb puppy, our small fat old bear, my Rock Star (that’s Ben), and me underneath all of them.

This is from an independent shoot I helped on for a prospective pilot. The audio guy couldn’t make it, so he just sent the equipment out with us. Pictured is the DP, the producer, and the talent, all trying to figure out all those confusing wires.

This is my beloved Rock Star, wasted nearly beyond recognition around 4am after his birthday party. By this point I’m pretty sure he’s moved on to straight water.


These two are from our family beach trip to celebrate Oma’s 85th birthday. Lots of fun with an amazing amount alcohol flowing to keep all the Germans in good spirits.

Oh! I nearly forgot!! We’re now an aunt/uncle…we now have a niece. She was born with a heart defect, poor thing has already had major heart surgery and she’s not even eight weeks old.


The above awesome photo was taken from the Instagram page of Adelinakajtazovic

Ben went on a five week tour with Whitechapel from April-May. He had a ton of fun and I had to wash my own dishes.

And our puppy Zhora and chubby old bear Attila are still hanging around too!

Well wishes and happy thoughts cannot be stated any better than the way the wonderful Mr. Gaiman does:


My lovely Rock Star, Ben, posted his annual Best Albums list from 2012. I’d like to say I have an opinion on this, but his musical taste is opinionated enough for our ousehold.

ben eller guitars

Its that time of year again! 2011 was a tough act to follow, considering it featured album releases by most of my favorite bands. But 2012 was no slouch either, delivering several super high quality albums that i am sure to listen to for years! Here’s some of my favorites, in no particular order:

Meshuggah: Koloss- Of course this is one of my favorites. I am a complete sucker for anything they do. Koloss is maybe the most straightforward album they’ve done yet, but don’t let that make you think its a commercial venture. Its just as brutal as anything they’ve ever done. They don’t exactly break a whole lot of new ground, but its a slow refinement of ideas they’ve been building their entire career. I think i could also listen to this album exclusively just for the guitar tone, which is pretty much perfect. Definitely the best and…

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That’s right. I get super busy, think about blogging, don’t blog, then repeat every few weeks until I realize it’s been so fucking long since I did blog, that I cannot even remember the last post.


I’d say I’m going to get back into regular blogging (start?) but it is the holiday season and we are stupidly busy and I’m still figuring out what kind of apps I want on my new phone so let us spare ourselves that obvious lie, okay?

So, hello to you and here is a picture of my darling dogs I fiddled with in some photo apps I’m testing (you know, instead of writing our Christmas cards or working on the [way-too-fucking] many hand-made gifts I’ve assigned myself):


It’s Thursday

Which means there is no show tonight.

Which means I’m not going to be sitting behind a camera listening to The Talent yell about sales.

Which means I can basically do whatever I want.


And because I can do whatever the fuck I want. I just made myself a lunch that consisted of some crackers, an apple, and cheese. And it was DELICIOUS!

I also watched this while I ate. It’s a TED talk from David Christian where he gives the entire history of the universe in 18 minutes. Definitely one of the better TED talks I’ve watched.

And the rest of my day will be full up with dogs and laundry and collecting items to yard sale and making a big delicious bowl of chili.


Hopefully your day will be as wonderful as mine!

Right. I am a blog lurker. Mostly.

I started reading random blogs in college, but I really came into the blog world when I started working an incredibly shitty job all by myself for nine hours a day (didn’t get to leave for lunch because I was always alone) in a ghetto used CD/DVD/Video Game store for three-and-a-half years. All the work would be done in two or three hours, minus the customer service bit, of course. And obviously there were never many customers as they only kept one fucking employee (not that I’m bitter).
Right. So for six days a week over three years I spent a lot of time in a large moldy, mostly empty store.

With the Internet. God. The Internet is so fucking cool. If I brought a book, when a customer would walk in, the first thing I’d get was some dumbass comment about “workin real hard.”
But if I’m on the Internet, it appears as if I am working.

But the problem is I don’t know what to do with myself and the Internet for so long a time. Celebrity news is not interesting; I left the store TV on news channels all day; porn’s use does me no good in a large building with a glass wall; and anything that required audio was no good as I had to keep music playing throughout the store all day long. So I started finding blogs, and I’ve kept up with most of my favourites.

But the thing is I rarely comment. And if I do comment, I usually forget to go back and see if anyone replied to my comment (luckily email notifications help).

What’s interesting about most of the blogs I read is how I probably wouldn’t get along with the writers in real life. I love the writing, the stories, but I doubt that we could get past an initial first awkward meeting.

A month-ish ago, reading my twitter feed while Ben browsed the hipster music store in downtown Knoxville I realized one of my favourite bloggers was in my town. And not just in my town, but in the same area of my town that I was currently wandering around in and killing time. When I told Ben, he asked if I wanted to contact her and see if she wanted to get a drink.

“What? Oh…………umm…….yes?
Wait. No. I don’t think I want to. I thing she’d annoy the piss out of me if I actually talk to
her and I love her blog too much to want to ruin it that way.”

And that makes me sad. I would love to meet with these people whose writing I enjoy and who’s lives I have been watching (reading?) for years. Some of them I have seen go from being single to having children with a spouse. I’m invested. I’m curious in a strange voyeuristic way. I want to know all about them, but only at a distance. It’s very bizarre.

On the other hand, there are a few whom I would LOVE to meet and hang out with in real life. I think we’d get along well; my brashness and [incredibly] foul mouth wouldn’t upset them; etc. etc. etc..

One of those few is Brittany from Barefoot Foodie. I found her blog-hopping one day and thought her then-tagline of “not a food blog, just me being a dick” was hilarious. On paper (screen?) she seems like the kind of blogger I wouldn’t want to meet: a Mommy who sometimes writes about being insecure. I adore her.

The woman is fucking hilarious. And honest. And she loves wine! And seems like an incredibly awesome person that I would love to hang out with in the real world. And today, after laughing out loud at another one of her posts and reading it aloud to the rock star while he made coffee, I thought I’d share her. Because the more people who read this woman the better (not that she needs help; she’s quite successful all by herself). She can nearly always improve my day.

Brittany Gibbons

Oh, dear. So with the exception of “40 Acres” and “Karl Kani” I totally did all do these:

Untapped ’90s Trends

…. and maybe I still can be accused of four or five of them…